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Saturday, July 3, 2010

I want to be good at English

I have no chance to listen, speak and write an English in my life.
Only in reading I use English, because what I want to know about software engineering is not frequently wrote in my native language Japanese.  I have no other choice to read an English articles.  It is thankful for small mercies.

At heart, I wanna have a talk with many geeks in variouse country.  It is my wish to write java documentation comment (javadoc) in not only Japanese but also English at my source codes.  And I want to share my technical knowledge about Java and Object-oriented programming with many people.  I want to introduce my open-source product in English.

So, to expand a chance to write English I launch this blog.  My Japanese blog has a lot of readers but this has only one, two ... or less?  I cannot have sufficient motivation.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Java documentation comment

Do you write Java documentation comment (Javadoc)?

I respect Javadoc comment.  Without Javadoc comment, I cannot recognize the code even if I wrote.  Without this, I have to guess the behavior of the methods and classes.

Having a guess is dangarous.  If it is wrong, I will lose my way.  And it makes bugs.

Write Javadoc comment simply!